Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 13 | HBO | Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm 12×02 Preview, Episode 1,

The greater part of David’s co-stars accept that the series is truly finishing. “I thought, ‘We should be finished,’ and I said, ‘We’re finished, right?’ and he said, ‘No doubt, we’re finished,'” Assortment cited Jeff Garlin. “What’s more, I was great with it. It was a despairing inclination when we wrapped up, however not so despairing with regards to the 10,000 foot view. I’m thankful.”
Be that as it may, J. B. Smoove doesn’t appear to be altogether persuaded. “I have little to no faith in Larry,” Assortment additionally cited the entertainer and comic. “I believe he will return home, lounging around his extravagant parlor with his extravagant little foot stool, drinking one of those coffees with his leg got over. He will get exhausted. Larry will get exhausted, and Larry will call everyone each in turn. May be a long time from now, may be a long time from now. May be four. I don’t have the foggiest idea when yet Larry will get exhausted.”
One way or another, as of Februay 2024, apparently Curb Your Enthusiasm is finishing. ComingSoon will give an update assuming the conditions change.
The cast of Curb Your Enthusiasm incorporates Larry David as himself (a fictionalized rendition), Jeff Garlin as Jeff Greene, Cheryl Hines as Cheryl David, Susie Essman as Susie Greene, J. B. Smoove as Leon Dark, from there, the sky is the limit.